15 Dec 15 December 2023 – Saltspring Island, BC, Canada
15 December 2023 at 7.30pm, ArtSpring Theatre, 100 Jackson Ave., Saltspring Island BC V8K 2V8
Nowel Synge We Bothe Al and Som: Medieval Christmas Music from England

In what BBC Music Magazine chose as its number one unmissable Christmas event, Nowell Synge We Bothe Al and Som is a reimagined carol evening from UK-based Gothic Voices. For more than thirty years, the ensemble Gothic Voices has been renowned for the excellence, refinement, and spirituality of their performances of medieval music, and recognized as absolute leaders in the field.
This first ever performance at ArtSpring includes late medieval English carols, chant, mono- and polyphonic songs and motets for the Advent and Christmas season, focusing on Mary, her Annunciation and the birth of Jesus. Larger-scale festive motets and mass movements by English late medieval celebrities John Dunstaple and Leonel Power also feature. Join us for this haunting and powerfully unique choral performance that transports audiences back to the time, tone, and spirit of the Middle Ages.
Works by Power, Frye. Dunstaple, Cooke, Queldryck and anonymous works (12th-15th century, England)
Catherine King, mezzo-soprano | Julian Podger, Steven Harrold, tenor | Stephen Charlesworth, baritone